Throw Away The Throne

Yesterday I finished writing a story about my favourite game on Roblox called Throw Away The Throne. I want to share it with you. 🙂

Throw Away The Throne

It was the same old place. Dirty abandoned piece of land in Royale High. All barricaded up. It felt like prison. You were tortured by watching all the rich princesses swaggering around in their high heel shoes.

It was like a whole new world on the other side of the rusty old iron bars surrounding my only home.

I used to have a life here in the Royale Realms. I had friends, diamonds, popularity! But this whole world took it away from me. I’m guessing everyone grew more and more jealous as I grew richer and more popular. I get where they came from but I don’t appreciate that they think ‘Jealous Germ Jail’ is really the right place to dump me. The best thing to do would be to talk to me about your feelings for how I make you jealous. I would understand. This place just makes me anxious.

They cleaned out my stuff and sold my apartment. Of course they fought over my parasol. You can hear them for miles screaming about who gets this and who gets that. It’s the only closest thing to watching tv.

Let’s talk about food. Yes, this is a really big problem in the Jealousy Jail. No one bothers to care if you’re half starved to death. They don’t take notice of you once your thrown in, so I advise you all to avoid showing off too much. Hey! Put away those empress boots!

I do have some pals up in the treehouse above me. There’s a forest near me, which I think is where Battle a le Royale Archery is going on. If I move some long vines, I can peer through the bars and just about see the game. But one day someone must have somehow spotted me and shot an arrow which nearly hit my face! I ducked and just missed it. That person got suspended from the team for bothering with me, so I guess that’s never happening again which is a relief.

Anyway about the guys in the treehouse. They’re really kind and sometimes drop me fruit. Their names are Adam, Ashe and Zed. Once Adam’s done coaching pageants, Ashe’s closed up the pastry shop and Zed’s finished delivering pizzas, they sneak up to the treehouse to say hello. I guess they just feel sorry for me.

Sometimes they sing songs for me, talk to me, give me food and no one even notices!

I thought I would end my story here, but someone banged loudly on my gate. That’s never happened in many years. I thought someone just fell, but then they said my name.

I looked up and peered at the treehouse boys. They were watching like it was some kind of movie.

I slowly wrench open the squeaky iron bars which is quite hard to do. When I stare at who is standing there, Adam can’t help a little giggle.

It’s only the co-pageant coach who is really strict. “Hello, Raelynn. I’m co-pageant coach Miss Parasol,” she says.

The boys kept watching. Had Miss Parasol come to chew me out for talking, eating or even interrupting her pageant from across the island???

“No, I’m not here to chew you out Miss American Lady,” she says like she read my mind. What did she just call me? That’s my old pageant name. I’m speechless.

“Adam said you needed help. Hello boys,” she says without looking up. The boys stop smiling.

“What? I’ve been here for ages, no one even noticed. They all hate me! You can’t change it… Miss Parasol…” I splutter.

“Oh but I can dear, follow me,” she says. I want to be all fancy and rich again but I don’t want to leave my old home.

“Well what are you waiting for? It’s about time you switched on to the real world and left alone this dirty old junk pile!” Miss Parasol said. I couldn’t move. Miss Parasol gave up and eventually pulled my favourite parasol from her handbag. She put it up and used it to try and lure me out. I won’t budge. I look down at my feet and fiddle with my hair.

“Why did you keep me here so long?” I ask looking up again.

“Oh, my! I didn’t put you here. I only knew about you a few weeks ago. I planned something special for you. If you would only get moving for Bob’s sake!” Miss Parasol said not sounding strict at all.

It’s only when Miss Parasol hands me a pair of brand new limited edition shadow empress chained boots that I start to have second thoughts. I let her come in and read my wish list. Immediately after that, two women come over with piles of shoes and skirts from my wish list.

“Please, Miss American Lady! Join us once again,” Miss Parasol begs.

“Don’t go Raelynn!” I hear Zed say above me.

“Yeah you’re cool,” Adam adds.

“Stay!” Ashe whispers.

I hold my arms out and Miss Parasol clicks her fingers with a smile. The two women dump the pile of clothes in my arms and walk off.

“Girls!” Miss Parasol snaps. The girls look back.

“Manners. And drop the attitude, please!” Miss Parasol gives them a look. One of them raises an eyebrow and the other rolls her eyes before sulking off for Royale Duties.

Miss Parasol turns to look at me. “Wonderful to have you back, Raelynn!” She smiles. The boys in the treehouse don’t seem pleased but at least they know I’ll see them most days.

“Miss Parasol,” I say.

“Yes, Raelynn?” She answers about to loose her patience.

“I’m sorry. I’ll take the clothes… but I can’t leave my past behind. Not now,” Miss Parasol’s smile fades.

“WHAT? But I thought- ahem… uh I mean… I understand where you’re coming from, Raelynn, but don’t you want a better place to live?!” Miss Parasol splutters confused about my decision. She tries hard to control herself.

“Don’t worry, I’ll sell my halo and use some of the diamonds to get some builders in here to work on my perfect new home!”

“Your HALO?” Miss Parasol sounds shocked.

“Yes, for my halo, I better get a good house,” I wink. 😉


A Chick Hatched!

About 21 days ago we bought 6 eggs. They’re not ordinary eggs, they’re chick eggs!

Why American Eggs Would Be Illegal In A British Supermarket, And ...
Normal Eggs!Chicken Hatching Eggs Buy Now - HAND TO HAND POULTRY WorldwideChick Eggs!

Today, one of the eggs had a very big hole in it. Some other eggs also had small holes. We watched the egg non-stop until something happened. Suddenly, we hear constant peeping and the egg rolls around a little!

Eventually, the chick managed to push its way out of the shell and stumbled around for a bit. Later, it became fluffier and more able to walk around. Here is a picture of our chick:

So cute!

Before you go online to buy 700 eggs to hatch, there is a few disadvantages you will need to take care of. Like having to buy the machine to keep the eggs warm, the food and water, a place to keep them when they are still small and most importantly you will need a dry warm room to keep them in.

I suppose you don’t need me to tell you all this because you will probably already know if you’re thinking about buying them, and the instructions will be online!

The egg next to the chick in the picture above has a hole in it and is most likely to break open by tomorrow!


We bought 6 eggs with baby chickens in them to hatch at home during coronavirus lockdown. It will take them 21 days to properly hatch. We only have to wait till the end of this week! The picture below is of a light being shined onto the egg through a toilet roll. This shows you the blood vessels and sometimes you can even see the chick moving inside!

They’re getting heated in a machine in the cupboard, which keeps them alive. We’re going to build a coop just for them as well!

My Comic

I drew out a comic of what happened on Tuesday in the morning. I changed a few bits to make it more funny.

Early Easter!

On Saturday 23rd, my family and I had a very early Easter. We wanted it to be early so that we wouldn’t have to wait so long. It would be very boring to have to wait. It’s not even Easter day today!

Josh and I were very excited because we knew that we had a special surprise! When we got up, there was a basket outside our door but we just walked right past it without noticing! Our parents were waiting for us in their room. They said we were going to do an easter egg hunt! We took the basket and inside was two small packets of mini eggs and a piece of paper shaped like an easter egg. It had a clue to where the next egg was.

We kept on reading clues and finding out where other eggs were hiding. The last ones were in our dad’s car. There were two mini eggs and four big eggs! Two for me and two for Josh just like we wanted. But we weren’t finished yet…

The easter bunny had one last clue for us. The last gift was in the boot of the car. We slowly opened the boot of the car and inside was… One BIG box and one SMALL box wrapped in pink shiny paper. We both got very excited about whose present was the biggest. I was a bit disappointed when I was told the small one was mine, because it looked like a book. We took our presents inside to open them. Josh got a little overexcited and began to think that his present was a VR headset!

Josh opened his box first and when he saw the word ‘Oculus’ he went insane! He actually got a VR Oculus Rift S headset! How did Easter turn into birthdays? I was beginning to think that since Josh got his early birthday present, I might get the new iPhone I was getting for my birthday in Summer. I tore off the paper and revealed a white box sellotaped closed. It looked nothing like a phone box so I decided not to get my hopes up. But when I finally managed to get the sellotape off the box, (my parent’s cameras aimed at me) I found a brand new iPhone 8 gold!!! It was amazing and I was really happy! Better than I had thought. Although sadly, after the first day of using it, it went really wonky and had to be sent back. 🙁 I’m going to get a new one luckily!

I hope everyone in quarantine has a very happy Easter also!

Homemade Pizza

Yesterday we made our own homemade keto pizza as part of homeschool! They are made with lots of cheese and coconut flour.

The link to the website is above if you’d like to see how to make your own low-carb pizza!

Coronavirus – How it’s been so far

It has been a week and three days since we had to self isolate. It all feels very normal like a holiday, but it’s always really rainy and windy so you can’t go out and do things. I wish it would be all over really soon!

When we go out for a walk, there’s not many cars going around anymore. When we go to Sainsbury’s to buy some essentials there’s hardly anyone there and lots of shelves are empty. It feels like the whole world is being evacuated.

I miss school and all my friends there. Even though I am quite shy and I don’t talk to many people, it would be nice to have some people around.

We’re going to have Easter a bit earlier. I hope it will cheer us all up a bit and we can spend time with family. My brother and I are getting two easter eggs each. I’m getting a creme egg and oreo easter egg. My brother is getting a caramel egg and a surprise one. We’re both going to get a surprise for Easter. We have two clues: 1. Something to do with Jesus! 2. Something to do with paper! Any ideas?

I hope when this coronavirus situation is cleared up we can all go out and be together and happy again. People can start up shops and businesses again and fun fairs and gatherings with lots of people. But we should still be advised to wash our hands at least twice a day!

Book Review – Lily Alone

I’ve recently finished reading a book called Lily alone. I have written a book review on it and I’d like to share it!

Lily Alone is an adventure book by Jacqueline Wilson.

There is an eleven year old girl called Lily. She has three younger siblings; six year old Bliss, three year old Pixie and six year old Baxter.

Lily’s mum is single and never goes out because she can’t leave her kids alone. But Lily persuades her to go out to the pub for just one night. She doesn’t know that that decision can change a lot…

Lily’s mu starts going out a lot more now. She meets this 19 year old boy called Gordon who she really likes, and decided to go to Spain with him for a whole week leaving Baxter, Lily, Pixie and Bliss with her ex-husband Mikey! Mikey doesn’t turn up so all the children are on their own!

Eventually, they all get bored of eating ice cream and watching movies and staying away from people, so they take bags of food and toys and head to the local park. They stay in a hollow tree until mum comes back, with loads of exciting events ahead of them!

I rate this book five stars!

I liked the parts when Lily gets rid of nosy adults that are wondering where Lily’s parents are.

I don’t like the bit when everyone gets separated and put into children’s homes.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure stories!

Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Today we watched a film called Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I thought it would be a good idea to write a review about this film.

Main characters: The main characters were Eddie Valiant and Roger Rabbit.

Main Setting: Toontown!

My movie rating out of five stars would be 4 stars.

What I liked: I liked Toontown and how crazy all the cartoons were!

What I disliked: I didn’t dislike any of it!

My favourite part was probably when Judge Doom melted.